I didn't do so much with the iPad (yet) and the workshop by Shari Blaukopf had a lot of rainshowers, so I didn't finish the watercolors, but I learned a lot and I hope it will show later in my sketches.
This is Shari Blaukopf explaining to us the use of 3 primary colors to finish a sketch. For background you can mix the 3 colors to make a fantastic grey! This photo was during a dry moment.
Jenny Zhang 'Let the Lines Walk' gave us some exercises how to approach the skyline.

On the right is a sketch I started the day before, during lunchtime. Grant Park is on the other side of the road from our hub: The American Academy of Arts.
I finished this sketch with the attitude Jenny Zhang learned us.
In the afternoon it was time to do the workshop by Gabi Campanario. We all got a little sketchbook (9 x 14 cm.) of the epsilon series from Stillman and Birn and two pencils. A 3B and a 4H.
He is a very good instructor. Het gave us a handout in the same size as the sketchbook and we all had to laugh because of the subjectfinder he showed.
To become a fearless urban sketcher, ti's best to have a small, easy to carry notebook. It's ideal to make quick sketches when you don't have much time to spare.
He also gave the handles to sketch a whole street and skyscraper. into this little book.
We made some sketches to practice and I had to get used to the small size, but two days after the Seminar, when I was meeting some ladies of the Chicago Urban Sketchers I had some time left and made a sketch of the Tribune Building (below).
Here's another sketch, but in a bigger (8 x 10 inch, 20,3 x 25,4 cm) sketchbook of Stillman & Birn (betaseries).
To finish this tale, a sketch in my little sketchbook of the place at O'Hara Airport where they serve the worst hotdog I ever ate...